Gretta, I am so grateful that you are doing what you need to do to take care of yourself AND for sharing yourself and your process with us/me. God! I love you, Gretta. I thank you for being you.

As a old and retired psychiatric NP I look back and just wish I'd known what you now know and are sharing about Rx [antidpressant] withdrawl. There is so much that we knew and DIDN'T or don't know.

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Greta, when I read the words “last major depressive episode”, I’m reminded that my depression isn’t curable; it is chronic. Managing depression is hard work, lifelong work. The stigma attached is painful and is present even in the healthcare field. Many assume it’s a situational condition and if it lasts too long (whatever too long is), it’s due to some character flaw. Please continue your blog as you are able. I applaud your courage.

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Thank you so much for responding to my blog, Roxanne. You are so right. By "last", I really meant "most recent" as I know this isn't going away any time soon and likely never will. Chronic is exactly the word. When I am good, I am pretty good. When I feel myself slipping, I have learned ways to care for myself. And I know that those won't be enough sometimes. Thank you for your honesty and your en-coeur-agement.

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Thank you for writing this gretta. I appreciate learning about your challenges, supports, and changes. Life in the 21st Century challenges me, but I'm glad to be alive. I am glad you are too, and that you will occasionally reach out to us with this blog.

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Thank you, Ian. I am glad you're alive too!

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