Thank you for highlighting Heather Cox Richardson here, Gretta. A friend in Chicago referred us to her writing some time ago now. She provides an anchor and a bit of shelter from the storm.

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Thanks, Elaine. I've followed her for a very long time, too. Right now, I think EVERYONE should be following her!

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I start everyday with Heather Cox Richardson…. As you so eloquently stated, the History combined with today’s event provides hope.

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Yep. She's a very good "Good morning!"

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I was introduced to HCR last summer and she has become one of my go-to sources. She helped me navigate and make sense of the US election (and the electoral system!) Really appreciate her historical context and in awe of how thoughtful AND prolific she is! So excited to see you introducing her to your followers :)

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I think the depth of her perspective, rooted in decades, even centuries of knowledge, is crucial right now. Being able to see that deeply is the only thing that is keeping some of my American friends and colleagues sane right now.

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I find grounding in her letters. Hope more people find her

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Me, too. Should be required reading in every high school class across the country. Except, of course, that it is the US and several states have actually removed basic learning from the curriculum. Sigh.

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