Enjoy your retirement though good and faithful servant. It doesn't matter that your and my faith is not accepted by the majority of today's church goers. You have done an amazing job following the lead of Bishop Spong and have truly warned an elevated place of your own. Yours is the essay I always look forward to on Progressive Sporit, as well as the Q & A that usually follows. Thank you for have guided me from afar along this unusual journey of faith.

George Duffield

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Thank you so much, George. It certainly was an unexpected ministry from all perspectives but I am glad that it found hearts that resonated. Thank you for being one of them and apologies for this late reply!!

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The difference you brought to bear has always been important for us

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And your participation was inspirational along the way. I am so glad you found your way to West Hill. <3

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Dear Gretta,

How precious you are! Thank you for your courage and for your willingness to share your journey. Murray and I have been retired now for 20 years. It’s been an adventure. And now in our 80s we hope to meet new challenges with courage and the same adventurous spirit. May your garden grow and offer newness each day. Our love to you and Scott.

Elaine and Murray

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Ah, but don't we have memories!! An amazing journey made more beautiful because of those who shared it with me. Thank you to both of you and apologies for this tardy response!

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I will keep reading what ever you write.

My beloved of 67 years died May 13. ,,systems just shut down. I knew Mothers day eve was his last night. I held his hand and he took his last breath. It was so gentle ,so peaceful and I am so grateful.

You may remember Freers and us were at a workshop you led, one of some we attended.

I have admired you for years Gretta, you have been true and brave all your life. katharine

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You have been in my heart since we corresponded, Katharine. I wish you days filled with the best memories and nights when you can lay them down and rest, deep, restorative rest. Stay filled with love, my friend.

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Thank you for this email Gretta. i am at the cottage with family now.

It feels like I am half what I was, I have "I can't do this days" and then " I can do this days".

I love to swim and I know that when I go under I will surface .

I will stay filled with love- I love that phrase Gretta. katharine

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Gretta, your life and ministry, for me, have been an essay in courage, commitment, and truth. I appreciated the opportunity to work with you on the CCPC board and the occasional visits to West Hill. My sincere best wishes to you and Scott as you enter a new chapter in your lives. Eric Bacon

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Eric, thank you for responding. We did have some great times and learned so much along the way, all of which was implemented by every person involved in some unique way that made the church and the world just that little bit better. Thank you for being part of the journey.

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I'm glad to get your post, and I hope you enjoy retirement. For me, it has just been over two years, and I appreciate this next chapter in life, away from paid and accountable ministry, and able to sing and be nourished at Spiritual Seekers United in Community here in Edmonton.

I was thrilled when I first heard you speak -- at "More Franchises" at Emmanuel College in Toronto in the spring of 2008. After my first year in training for ministry at Emmanuel, your words were a balm for my non-theistic soul.

May you and Scott find yourself immersed in a myriad of personal and social engagements in this weird moment of dissolution and beauty.

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OMGoodness. I would not have thought it was that long ago, the first time I really spoke of my thoughts around the core truths of our faith tradition. All of which grew out of the deeply engaging theological study undertaken at Queen's. You have been a gentle presence along this challenging journey, Ian. Thank you for that. And my apologies for this late reply.

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Thank you Gretta for being exactly who you are and for being willing to share yourself and your journey with us/me. It's your courage and willingness to be self revealing that has spoken to my own heart, not just intellectual brilliance..........though I love and admire that as well. I look forward to each piece that you share. I've learned so much from you that is gold. My face smiles when I see your name on a piece. It was delightful to see you when you popped into ROTB. If I could I would kiss your cheek.

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I do hope to get back to ROTB soon, Emily, and am so glad you have found that vibrant community. I LOVED Brian's book and am delighted that it will be read by so many with discerning hearts and minds. It has been a joy to share this journey with so many beautiful people; sharing donuts in Portland with Brian was definitely a highlight. Have you had those Portland donuts! Amazing!! Thank you for connecting, Emily, and my apologies for this tardy response...

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Thank you Gretta, for all of it, and for all of the you that went into it. Really. Peace.

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Thank you, Douglas. It has been painful to watch what a couple of administrative church officials managed to do to The United Church of Canada in order to discipline me, destroying its extraordinary essence - essential agreement - and requiring dogmatic confession of literal faith. I'm still gobsmacked every time I think about their doing that and no one standing up and challenging their ignorance. Just plain weird. And I doubt the rule will ever be used against anyone else which begs an entirely different question. But that was then and the future work yet awaits. Thanks for reading. My apologies for the tardy replies to everyone!

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Gretta, I send my love to you and Scott.

Getting to know you both during the formation of CCPC, our trip together to England for a conference organized by Jim Adams (my religious mentor), meeting Bishop Spong, having you officiate at my daughter’s wedding - all that and much more has enriched my life. Thank you.


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We do have some amazing memories, Toby. I so appreciate that you walked into my world and helped stabilize it from time to time when the wonky realities set in. You've been a remarkable presence in my life. Thank you for that. And my apologies for not responding sooner!

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Every best wish to you from Wales!

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Thank you, Geraint! My paternal great grandmother was from Wales; Scott and I visited the see the Botanical Gardens there while on a speaking tour. As a child, I walked many a graveyard in search of ancestors, though I must admit, the patriarchal line was the one most followed so little viewing in Wales and most of the trekking in Cornwall. Thank you for reaching out. <3

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